Contacts of Various Kinds
English Editions
Translations & Foreign Editions
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Dear Friends of the Wild Snail:
I always enjoy hearing readers’ reactions and it’s interesting to learn where The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating has found a home. So far it has been read by a campfire at Moosehead Lake in Maine, a friend’s spouse in Tennessee absconded with the family copy for a flight to California and another copy is tucked beneath a bed in a small house along a river in New Zealand. One friend has a copy on her nightstand and her partner keeps trying to sneak it over to his side of the bed.
The Wild Snail is gliding into literature, science, and creative writing curricula at the college, high school, and middle school levels and into university curricula and medical humanities programs at medical colleges. It has even snuck into retirement homes. Excerpts have been used in yoga and meditation classes, in elementary schools, and in the MIT slime lab.
For updates on Wild Snail adventures, please see the blog page on this website and visit the Facebook page by clicking the blue icon in the top right corner of this page. I’d love to hear about your own Wild Snail book adventures on the contact form below.
With best wishes, Elisabeth Tova Bailey ~@~”