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“The Bedside Terrarium (pdf)” An essay by the author which combines well with Wild Snail book chapters 4-6. Classroom discussion questions Wild Snail Table of Contents
Addressing Common Core and NGSS
Wild Snail Education FlyerWild Snail PowerPoint: Using the Wild Snail book in K-16 (5.5MB)
High School 9th-12 Grade
Ryan Bromwell: Powerpoint (4.3MB) Using the Wild Snail book in biology curricula Ryan Bromwell: Flyer Using the Wild Snail book in high school biology curricula
Middle School 6-8th Grade
Juliana Texley: Powerpoint (2.4MB) Using the Wild Snail book in middle school, curricula ideas
Juliana Texley: Investigating Slime Middle school activity

Photo credit: Stacey Cramp